Thursday, December 31, 2009

We are not Allah (God)!

الســــــــــــــلام عليكم

When I was starting to write in this space, the end of the year was just in the corner. I skipped on my evening workshop for reasons. I followed up the progress of my application.

Luckily, my request was answered. I learned deeply what the meant interpretation was used on that paper. I really satisfied by the information given to me. Indeed we can not jump into drastic conclusion.

I `m optimist to what is going to happen. I already worked to achieve what I had planned earlier. My 2009 could note very important history in my life. But, I`m not a god. Here come the faith to us. No matter how hard you pay your time, your the end of the day, all things must go to the Allah's hand.

To be a gentleman, some experiences were required. Do not rely on your aggressiveness alone. Patient, grateful, obedient and humble must flourish your life. And this is the true color of life. Nothing to lose...

My Regards

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