Sunday, May 17, 2009

Professor : Too Close

السلام عليكم
About three weeks ago, we got a professor in our place. He came from our place. Not some where in this globe. From here, a totally local person, humble and low profile. I knew him not too much, but lately we have a long chatting. That happened shortly before he got his professorship.
I was impressed for having a professor around. I was personally experiencing a good memory those days when my first duty to propose a research being held at Melaka Parade around 2004. I stayed in the same apartment with a professor (now working at Shah Alam) and this new professor. I know this memory will inspire me to be like both of them. Some thing that I could not share here.
Lastly, congratulation for him. You really make us too close to the rank of professorship...May my efforts and endurances be blesssed by Allah and rewarded for here and here after...

1 comment:

Pak Cik Satu Dua said...

You'll when you believe...